Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and fires are scary, especially when we’re not prepared. As parents, these are things that are in the back of our minds.
The other day, a 6.1 magnitude hit the metro at 5:11 pm and everyone was alarmed that it might be “the Big One”. I was actually at home with my leg propped on the table when it happened. I thought my leg was having spasms.
Luckily, it lasted only 30 seconds, we’re safe, and our home didn’t sustain any damage.
But it really got me thinking, are we ready for a major earthquake?
Basic safety says to duck, cover and hold during an earthquake. Stay away from things that might fall on us.
But what if we’re trapped, do we have a whistle to call for help? Food and water to survive until we’re rescued?
I knew we needed a Go Bag.
What’s in A Go Bag?
- Prescription medication and glasses
- Infant formula and diapers
- Pet food and extra water for your pet
- Important family documents ( insurance policies, IDs, bank account records) in a waterproof portable container
- Cash or traveler’s check and change
- Sleeping bag/ warm blanket
- Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – When diluted nine parts water
to one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Or in an emergency, you can use it to
treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon of water. Do not
use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners. - Fire Extinguisher
- Matches in a waterproof container
- Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
- Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels
- Paper and pencil
- Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children
Lifekit Emergency & Disaster Preparedness Kit ™: Because Your Life Matters
Now, if you opt for a bag that’s been developed for specific disaster scenarios, get a Lifekit. They are specially designed with the person/victim’s state of mind during a disaster. Lifekit bags underwent an extensive research and development process with disaster experts before being released to the public.
I know this because I was able to talk to Sir Eric, the founder and project CEO of Lifekit. I actually won a Lifekit Float Kit last year from one of their online contests. The Lifekit Float Kit is very useful in the event of typhoons and floods.

When I met him, it’s clear he and his team are passionate about helping Filipinos be ready for disasters whether man-made or natural. He works with major local organizations and companies in training and informing the public on how to prepare for these events.
What sets Lifekit apart?
Their bags are made of ballistic rubber material that’s durable, waterproof, and lightweight. If the scene is dark, you can easily spot a Lifekit bag because of it’s reflectorized strips.
As for the inside, all compartments are detachable and the contents are itemized with instructions. You also get one FREE compartment for your personal items. PLUS, they can customize bags according to what you or your family needs!
Btw, Lifekit bags are orange because it is recognized internationally as the color for safety and rescue. It makes someone more visible for search and rescue.
Two things to know about Lifekit:
- They don’t contain food items as recommended by experts because diet is specific to the person
- They don’t come in a backpack because this design is not easily compartmentalized and the bulkiness of the backpack may actually get a person trapped. Lifekits are either sling kits or hand carried kits.
Here’s the Lifekit Sling Kit that’s recommended for Earthquakes:
Each Sling Kit is P5990.
So, are you and your family disaster ready?
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