why you should learn hypnosis

Plays.org: Fun and Free Video Games For All

Growing up, I’ve always been fond of video games. My parents got us a Family computer. And I recall spending hours with siblings trying to jump very high on that flag pole and rescuing the princess. 

When summer break comes, I’d be at a cousin’s house playing exciting games all night with their Atari. Yes, those were the good old days.

Now, with the pandemic keeping us indoors almost 24/7, my family and I have spent a lot of the weekend bonding over video games. I personally think it didn’t only entertain us but helped us cope with these difficult times.

Benefits of Video Games on Kids (And Grown-Ups Too!)

I don’t know about you but I’ve allowed my preschooler a few hours of screen time per day. And with limits in place, video games are actually helpful for kids and adults alike according to research.

Video Games Helps Your Increase Gray Matter In Your Brain

You better believe it! A fairly recent study by Australian and Chinese researchers found that playing video games can increase the brain’s grey matter. By the way, this is the part that’s responsible for

Video Games Encourage persistence

Playing and winning video games releases dopamine which can boost motivation according to research. And every milestone hit becomes a feedback system for us to keep moving forward. No wonder we spend hours going through hoops and loops just to win the prize!

What’s good is that this can become ingrained in our system so we become more determined in achieving our goals.

Video Games Can Improve Your Mental Health And Well-Being

With anxiety becoming more prevalent these days, anything that can help us cope would be great. Well, a comprehensive 2011 study showed that video games help boost positive emotions, promote good social relationships, and give a sense of accomplishment that supports mental health.

Fun and Free Video Games At Plays.Org

So, I was really thrilled to discover Plays.org and try some of their free and exciting games. 

First, my daughter and I played Tap Supermarket, a simulation game set in a grocery store.

I love that it’s simple yet exciting. You need to attend to customers and make sure the supplies don’t run out.

We also tried Space Pinball and had a blast. It’s visually appealing and you can really enjoy it, especially with the sound on.

Here are the things I loved about Plays.Org:

  • You don’t need to make an account or download anything to play
  • They have a wide variety of games you can play
  • Each game has a set of instructions that are pretty easy to understand.

We all deserve a break from time to time. And playing video games is something we can do on our own or with our kids. I’m positive they’ll find something interesting to play at plays.org.

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